Can you really make money with SEO?

moneyCan you really make money with SEO?

Making money through SEO or search engine optimization is very possible and there are several ways to take advantage of SEO. This can be done from the side of the SEO expert who is providing the SEO services to business websites or from the outlook of the business owners getting the SEO services they need to improve their websites and make more profits.

Here is some information on both of these great ways to make money with SEO:

Providing SEO Services

Providing SEO services and promoting them to businesses is one way to make a profit and help others to do the same. All business owners want their websites to rank highly in Google and the other search engines and proper SEO is what can do it for them in many ways. As the SEO expert, you will be the one selling them the services and helping them to get their websites into shape for ranking highly in the search engines.

When deciding to offer SEO services to business owners, you should have access to a lot of customers since every business wants their website to get lots of traffic and do well. Just be sure that you have learned all the proper SEO methods and updated search engine algorithms so that you can provide honest and dependable SEO services to those customers. Many SEO providers are untrustworthy and this has given SEO consultants a bad name in some areas.

The best part about providing SEO services is that it doesn’t take any advance money for you to learn all about SEO and how to do it. You can read up on it online and look for ebooks on the subject. Then, once you have figured it out, can offer your services online from other websites like odesk or

Providing Your Own SEO Services on Your Sites

The other way to make money with SEO is to use the SEO tactics you have learned and optimize your own business websites. Soon you will discover that using proper SEO tactics will help your site to get more traffic since nearly all traffic to websites comes through one of the search engines, especially Google and YouTube, which are two of the top ones. It may take a few weeks depending on the original condition of your website store, but SEO can help transform a bad website into a top money maker in around three to six months if you are patient and consistently following them.

Some of the best uses of SEO include:

Using Proper Keywords

Finding and using the best and most trending keywords and putting them into your website content is one of the best uses of SEO. You can do analyses using Google tools to find out what are the best keywords for your niche.  An example of a keyword would be “potty training your kid.” If you use that phrase in your content and there are enough people searching for that solution, then that is one way to use SEO to help you to make money.

Using Proper Backlinks

Backlinks are URLs that point back to your website and they can be used to lead people to your site from other places on the web. For instance, if you have a Twitter or Facebook page you can talk about a new product or service you are providing and provide the link to your product sales page. Or, you can comment on a blog or do a guest posting on a blog and put the URL in your signature page. These all get more traffic to come to your site and as long as you really are providing a solution of some sort that actually can help people searching for that particular need, then you are going to get the traffic and sale you need to make money with this type of SEO.

Using Good, Up-to-Date Content

Another good use of SEO that can make you money is by having worthwhile, up-to-date and useful content on your site in the form of text articles, photos, graphics and videos. These need to be there to give your potential customers the answers they need regarding your topic. People don’t want to be bothered with content that merely pushes them to buy your products or services; they want content that can help them. But, that content has to reflect your product and you don’t want to give them 100 percent of the answers or they won’t have to buy anything from you.

All in all, SEO is a good way to make money no matter which of these ways you take to do so. It is a valuable thing to be able to use on not only your own business website, but to be able to learn about it and provide it to other business websites too so that they can get more traffic and more profits.

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