Highly Effective SEO Marketing Strategies

the right path

Highly Effective SEO Marketing Strategies

Today’s business owners need to keep updated with the best and most up to date tactics to help them to stay on top and get the customers and sales they need to stay in business. Most have heard of SEO or search engine optimization, but they may not have known that some of the older tactics are not trending anymore.

SEO is still something that you need to do if you have a business website, but the old ways of doing it that were popular a few years ago are not as popular as they were back then. Here are some of the things that have changed in the past two or

Proper Keyword and Anchor Text Usage

Links are something that has always been valuable in keeping your website noticed by Google. In the past this was done by stuffing articles and other website content with tons of keywords even if it didn’t make sense. But eventually Google caught on to this and realized that it was fake number one rankings and that these types of websites weren’t doing their visitors much good since they cared more about keywords than the content being useful and current.

They were also using a type of keyword called anchor text that linked to other pages or websites and now this method really is old hat and doesn’t work to help you to get a higher page rank. Now, Google and the other search engines want to see good quality content, worthwhile articles and other information that actually helps your visitors to get what they need.

That’s because Google now favors relevancy and is leaning more to helping the people doing the searching and if your site is full of good up to date information in your niche then you are more likely to get higher rated than someone with just lots of keywords and worthless crap in their content. Be sure to fill your site with plenty of things your potential clients want and you will be in good shape.

Guest Posts and Automation Going Out Of Style

Another thing that a lot of website owners do is exchange link info with lots of bloggers or other websites no matter if they are relevant to their niche or not. Google is starting to notice this habit more and more and soon is going to start banning sites that do it too much. So, if you are getting most of your links this way, you had better find another method.

Plus, automated tools like robots or SEO software usage instead of natural usage by real people is also being frowned on. It’s much better to have a real person help you to optimize your site and not rely on automated SEO tools. Rushing doesn’t get you to the top, instead it takes planning and time to do it right.

Don’t Ignore Design of Your Site

Another thing people are getting slack on is the design of their business websites. They are throwing together sites and not paying attention to things like fonts, colors, and whether or not it is user friendly. These things are part of good SEO that is still going to help you to get more visitors to your site. No potential buyer wants to go to a website and get bombarded by flashing banners, moving gifts, gaudy colors and multiple fonts. If that is also combined with bad grammar, blurry photos and stuffed keywords, then it is even worse.

Bottom line? Make sure you put together the best possible website you can afford and keep it updated and full of what you would want to see if you were a potential customer with a need to be filled and desperate for an answer! Don’t you want to be the one that provides that answer? Of course you do and that will mean more clients and more profits.

Optimizing for Google Instead of Your Customers

Another thing that some website owners are doing is paying way too much time trying to figure out what Google wants instead of what their potential customers want and need. If you do everything right by following all the guidelines Google has in their algorithm and still have a crappy product then you will still not get anyone to buy the thing you are selling. You have to also please your customers and provide a good product or service that actually meets the needs of your targeted audience.

So, before you start worrying about SEO then you should be concerned with building a good product or service and building up your reputation as an honest business. Then, if you are also following good SEO tactics, it will all fall together and you will soon be finding your site on top of the search engines, plus you will be making more sales and profits.

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